LOCAL Author

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NEW from KD Card (local author)..

Saturday, April 27th, 2024

Lushly illustrated. The Group of Seven from a geologist’s perspective.
Special Places - KD Card

NEW “local book, compiled by Paul Kirby

Saturday, July 8th, 2023


a history of North Hastings as told through

the lives and careers of its physicians.

Cradle to the Grave -by- Paul Kirby*Proceeds to charity

Gail Manion, “BEING” – LOCAL Author

Saturday, July 31st, 2021

BEING - Gail Manion.  A Memoir

LOCAL History: Explosion – Trenton Disaster

Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

EXPLOSION: Trenton Disaster -by- John MeladyDURING WORLD WAR I the town of Trenton, Ontario, became the site of the Largest explosives factory in Canada. Although the British Chemical Company plant was Located on the outskirts of town behind some small hills, residents nonetheless were apprehensive about the close proximity of millions of pounds of T.N.T., gunpowder, and toxic chemicals. Anxiety was heightened in 1917 when a French munitions ship, carrying T.N.T. manufactured at Trenton, exploded in Halifax Harbour, levelling a large section of the east coast city.

It was only a matter of time, many feared , before disaster visited Trenton too.  They were right.  Nobody in town would forget Thanksgiving weekend, 1918.

[Only $19.95] FREE CD with full scale images (currently unavailable but more coming!), and FREE* smartphone/tablet pen (*while supplies last).