The Healing Trees
Sunday, February 18th, 2018The Healing Trees, by Robbie Anderman
Available now!
By moving off-grid to a farm in the Wilno Hills of Eastern Ontario, Robbie Anderman left behind his former way of life, his allergy shots and pills, and the social supports that he was used to. He quickly discovered that he needed to learn how to live on the land that had become his home.
Running down to the drugstore or herb shop to buy a remedy for what ailed him was no longer an option. Surrounded by nature’s pharmacy, he began gathering his own herbs. Then came the long winter when the most commonly used herbs were no longer available. In a land so populated with Trees, it made sense to look to them for healing. Thus began a journey of forty-eight years during which Robbie researched, nibbled, sampled, and learned the lore of the Healing Trees.
The Healing Trees is the essential guidebook, organized in an easy-to-use manner that Robbie wishes he’d had as a resource when he first moved to the Wilno Hills.
ISBN: 978-1-77257-153-0 (PB)
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The Healing Trees